Beautiful By Barbie

Event Planning & Balloon Displays

If you want to look poised, polished, and professional.

Beautiful By Barbie can help you reach your goal.

I’ve been working with entrepreneurs, small businesses and everyday people for years, so I understand what you need help with, what you want to focus on, and what you don’t want to do. I’ll help you save time and reduce unnecessary costs while getting projects off your plate.

Each client requires a unique level of support, but they all have one thing in common: they desire to free themselves from paperwork, planning and organization.

When to hire an

Event Planner

Teaming up with an experienced Event Planner allows you to outsource your tedious tasks so you can enjoy your event. If any one of these sounds familiar, it's time to outsource.

  • When the Event is important to You
  • When you want to be present
  • When your team is stretched thin
  • When you have no experience

Work with me